I am so accommodating!
Accommodating: helpful in bringing about a harmonious adaptation.
What I feel like however, is a door mat. " Come on in! Let me take your coat. Wipe your feet right here, on me!"
Well... maybe that is a little dramatic. Of course the word dramatic has the word estrogen in it's definition, I am certain!
I have been doing my job, schlepping my kids around to countless doctors appts., haircuts, dental appts., school, after school activities, Orthodontist appts, for many years now. I have fostered relationships with many, many, people who help take good care of my children is these areas. When you have a handful of kids and a bazillion places to be a one time, you begin to carefully trust what appts, that you can safely leave your child at for a few moments under the watchful eye of staff that you have grown to know, while you hustle another child to another destination.
I have been taking my kids to the same orthodontist since the beginning of time. I love his staff, they love my kids. We are ready for round two of braces on the second child. Second child of four who see him.
I selected this orthodontist, five years ago, after careful research and recommendations from dentist's. I have been very very happy with him.
Well....Honey comes home from work the other day and announces that everybody at his institution goes so see someone else who gives a huge financial discount. And everybody just loves him. I am pissed!
So I am suppose to just call and cancel our appt. to have our braces applied for next week, even though we have already had the impressions done and are ready to go? I looked at his guys web site and he does the old fashion braces with rubber bands. They require a visit every month. My kids have been sporting the Damon system that has a tension wire that moves teeth faster and requires a visit every three months.
What I meant to say to Honey was....
Thank you for spending the time and research to find a new and "rumored to be" less expensive Orthodontist. One that my kids don't know and I will be forced to hover around for every "more frequent" appt. for the next five or six years.
Actually you need to take one for the team and become the go-to guy for this new adventure. You will have to carefully compare your schedule with the schedule of your children and find blissfully compatible times in which you may take your kids to their brand new Orthodontist. Oh and I will warn you, until you background check and socialize at length with all of the staff, you may not leave my children there unaccompanied!
But I won't, because if hell freezes over and I were going to have a big Valentines surprise, this would surely ruin it.
And another thing I want to say today!
Kiss my @$$ Cupid!
In my opinion you have never really made a big appearance at my house!