Wednesday, October 14, 2009

He has more personality than most folks!

Hey Ref! What was that?
Are you kidding me?
Are you blind?
(He comes by this brand of commentary honestly. I am fairly sure Honey and/or I will most definitely be ejected from the sidelines some day!)
Christian school, what were we thinking!
He is trying to scare that little girl.
I am pretty sure he is growling at her right  there.
Which is sad, because back in the kindergarten days, this was his sweetie!
And here he is, up against one of his nemesis's , nemenii?
Whatever. This boys big brother is on the middles school soccer team.
 Ooooooh! That makes him a worthy opponent!
Yeah, how'd that grass taste?

And boys never say , "talk to the hand". They say this,

"I said good-day sir!"

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