Friday, November 13, 2009

The Best I Can Do Right Now..

This is a picture of my son in his soccer tournament! Oh wait! That's not's a stick figure! Why you may ask? Well...let me tell you. My husband personal photographer who tooks loads of glamorous actions shots, deleted them from his memory card, before I could put them onto my apple from hell  computer. He has since spent a little hours and hours of his time trying to send them to my apple from hell computer. He even burned them onto a disc that my apple spit acrossed the room, repeatedly. Bad apple!

Oh hey! Here is a picture of my daughter at her cheer show. Her first big season opener. It was amazing the girls looked great, so pretty in their fancy hair do's and make-up!

Here's the other one, it was her first cheer performance of her life. A pretty big day all in all. (First performance make-up!) How bout that eye liner, pretty cool huh?
I swear they are the most beautiful girls ever! Don't ya think?

Okay there is my mom. She is so awesome, she got in front of almost 1000 people and danced with two other grandmothers in a dance contest.
I don't know where she gets those moves, she was such a good sport. You really should have seen it!

This is me for not having killed someone for not getting me a way to have my pictures
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1 comment:

  1. Bad personal photographer. At least the pictures aren't gone forever. Make him post 'em.
